Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Then what can stand against....

I am I have been slacking the past few days with my blogs I am greatly sorry, I was kinda sorta grounded.

In my past I've been very much into my Christian faith, this summer I basically fell on my face in it. Maybe it was the friends I was associated with at the time, maybe it was I was mad at Him for something, maybe it was I was confused, or maybe it was all three. Although, this past week, something hit me, it started when I began blogging. I began thinking immensely, thoughts stirring in my head running in and out of why I did the things I did this summer. I began to feel guilty, I have one life to live but I am living it on these things that are just a temp pleasure. Most of you have read my past blogs about how I want to change things, maybe this will give you a better glimpse into my heart.

Sunday, October 10th 2010, was something called UNDONE It was at my church and was a unique worshiping experience. I believe that night, and a close, incredibly bright, talented, girl, Stephanie really changed/challenged me. Recently she has started documenting teens and how we're not just a kid, we can be a difference. She and I have partnered up a bit in her quest for showing like I said, we're not 'just a kid', and she is now following me in my life and journey for what I want. Her goal is to see how much I've changed and how much I can BE the change in the coming year. Having this be my senior year it's a big thing. It's cool to having someone document things going on in your life. We were sitting behind the music all going on and she was asking me what I want to accomplish in life, it was really powerful having the music behind me as I was talking about what I want accomplished. There in that back room having her ask me these questions I came to my conclusion if I want to change things I need to be the change first. This starts with the first step, having no regrets, and completely relaying on Christ. I completely was comfortable in front of her camera, I professed everything I felt about life, God, and anything I could think of.

I am not exactly sure why I wrote this blog, I think it was just to say, I'm ready. I'm ready to do everything I can to start living for Him, a 5 month old weight has finally been lifted from these shoulders.

If you would like to read Steph's blogs (they're incredible do it) her blog spot is this... I suggest you all read it!!

Thanks for reading my randomness and sorry I haven't been blogging the past few days. Ill be back into it :)

Love always,

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