Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"Stand up. Speak out."

     In my post yesterday, I said I cant stand two words, "gay" and "retarded". I bluntly spoke how I felt about the gay community and how we treat them, as Christians, or as not. As a Christian, or as not, we have all been in those awkward situations with the disabled kid being picked on or bullied. Most will sit and ponder, Shall I take a stand, do what's right? Although, then I'm risking my reputation. Or maybe just keep my mouth shut, Someone will stand up for him/her. I cannot even tell you how many times I have been in this situation.
      I was the bullied many times, in Kindergarten it was "HAHAHA you have red hair!" (Basically oh, you're different ew). Middle School it was "You are too skinny, zitty, skinny-legged, and red haired" High School it's been "You are too loud, you are obnoxious, you don't shut up, you have red hair."

      Back to my point. We bully those who are different than us, in all of those situations mentioned my red hair. I am not going and say I have never bulllied or made fun of someone, because that would be a lie, I very well have. The beginning of high school I was tired of being treated like dirt and would lash out and say things that were truly hurtful and deafening to the soul. I have developed a heart of stone to words of others because of it. Like I said in the beginning of my blog, we have all experianced the disabled kid being picked on. This is the only thing that will melt the heart of stone.
      For the past two summers of my high school career I have attended a camp called Camp Barnabas. It is for the mentally, and physically challenged kids who don't get to do normal kid stuff. Some of the examples are riding a horse, rock climbing, going on the ropes course, canoeing or going camping in the woods. There, I am a C.I.A, (Christian in Action) you have a buddy for the whole week who is disabled and you are there best friend. This last summer I had a camper named Morgan, she had MS, a debilitating disease that causes extreme pain and the nerves to misfire. She would often tell me stories of how kids at home would make fun of her because she was in a wheelchair sometimes, just because she was different. What gives a human being the right to make fun of one? Ever! You and I were more than likely, both born with two eyes, ears, a tongue, a mouth, two legs, two hands, two, arms. What makes us so different, besides the fact you make have brown hair, I have red hair, you may to hear all that is said to you, and I may not because of my loss of hearing. Just how do you have the courage to look someone straight in the eyes who may not be able to look you straight back because they are autistic and cannot comprehend you, and say, you're weird and shouldn't talk. When ever is that okay, you and them are both human beings, the same kind.
     A close friend of mine Emily P. has a quote on her Facebook that reads "You are not alone. You are strong. You have a voice. You are beautiful. You are intelligent. There are many kids who want to speak up for you, but they don't because they are afraid of becoming bullied themselves" It makes you stop and think, there are the good kids out there. Be that good kid, I know you want to. For myself, and I am sure MANY others, if they saw you standing up for a kid that is disabled or for anyone that matter, you would not loose respect but you would gain it.
    Every blog I basically have been challenging you. This time, I want you to stand up for that person, say something, don't sit there in your own ignorance, selfishness and greed. Say "Hey, stop it." As lame as it sounds, it could mean all the world to that kid.You never know if you saved the kids life or not. That one comment, its hope, hope for his soul, hope that there is someone that cares out there, hope that there may be change.
     To the bullies out there, stop now when you can, make all the difference in the world to that kid, you never know how quickly it can change.
    To the bullied, never give up and always have hope, there is always someone out there that cares about you. Go to your safe place and listen to music, play guitar, or your favorite sport. You are loved. Just always know there are betters things out there than to end your life.

Be the hope. Be the change. Be the revolution. Be the chain reaction.

For information on bullying-- http://www.twloha.com/
Thank you Emily P. for letting me use the quote.

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