Monday, October 4, 2010

It gets better? Huh....

There are few things that I cannot stand at all being heard, seen, said, or done. A couple of those are if one will make fun of my hearing loss, my or any others weight, or if I hear the words "gay" or "retarded". Just typing them make me cringe. I have been raised in a completely Christian home, my parents took me to church every Sunday from the time I entered the world until about now.
    Over the years of my observation and seeing the way Christians or any other will act around gays make me sick. Myself, I am not gay, but what angers me is how we push them away, critize, or fight with ones who support there life choice. I thought I'd make this clear right away. I believe in Christ, the Bible, and what it stands for and what it says. Do not get me wrong on that. Although, it's how society treats one of that sexuality, that will make me blow my top.
    In the past month there has been 4 suicides from bullying. One of those four was homosexuality related. Tyler Clementi, he was as young man who chose to be openly gay. From my research I found that his roommate video taped the young college man having sex. He then posted it on the internet. Of course like our society is, they were all over it. A few days later, he committed suicide. A quote from Mtv's article**, "We have a situation in the past few weeks that focuses attention on the reality of how rampant bullying is in our society and how fragile young people, particularly LGBT young people, are," openly gay New York Council Speaker Christine Quinn explained. "And we wanted to send a message tonight to people who engage in bullying and harassment: It is dangerous. It is not an act without victims. It is literally something that can kill someone else." Just recently 50 cent made a remark on his twitter that "if you are over 25 a man and (don't do a certain act) you should just kill yourself, **** it. The world will be a better place lol." These are the remarks that send these kids over the edge.
     I think just point blank and honestly, we need to accept others. Yes, they are gay, lesbian, bisexual, but who am I to judge them? You  never know how their home life was. What you live at home influences who you are. When you are young if you are a girl, I am sure your mom dressed you in frilly girly clothes, why, because this is how our society views a girl. For a boy, I'm sure it was grungy, go play in the dirt attitude, this is how society views our boys. It's the way you were raised, its engraved in your head to dress that way. Say, you were raised in a house were they said being gay is completely fine, that is now engraved in your head, this is an envioronmental distinction that has now been made. More than likely that kid is going to grow up to be so. What I am saying is it is not always that persons fault, it's the enviornment they were raised in. So to all the gays, lesbians, bisexuals that have read this, you go on and live your life, love who you want, but know I personally am always praying for you and your hopes to see what is right, and what is wrong.

One last thing I want to share, is Tyler Oakley, my favorite gay man alive. He made a video called It Gets Better. I want everyone to read/watch it and think about your actions you have made in the past. Start a chain reaction of kindness towards gays.

**Mtv's Article:

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