Sunday, October 3, 2010

First(ish) blog.

I posted this on tumblr but enjoyed the layout of this better.

    So I couldn’t exactly think if I should do something serious, funny, witty, or a combination of all. I just figured I’d do something like explaining me who I am, why I live, yada yada yada.
     First of all, my name is Sara, I was dropped into this thing we call society 17 years back. I attend a school, in the Metro-Detroit area. I walk into the doors of the hormone infested zoo every morning to go learn in my prison cells. I attend six prison cells a day until 2:14 pm where I am release and retreat to my car, Kermit. It’s a green Bonneville…very old. R.I.P Pierre, my Saturn. Anywho, I live in a house with a sister, my mom, and dad. I work my booty off at a local grocery store, always fun. Then I  have these people I call my friends, sometimes I’m not sure why, because they are the weirdest, most crazy, influential, smart human beings ever. There is Lauren, Melanie, Kristie, Becca, Kirby, and Ashely. They all have a place in my heart and know where that place is, and where they stand. :)
     I’m not your average 17 year old girl. I don’t like shopping, being girly, squealing in the hallways, gossiping about the latest couple or sitting back and letting the world fly by before my eyes. I am the girl that loves sports and will openly talk about them, being in the mud and dirt, gossiping about the latest draft, and standing up for what I believe in and passionately changing something. If you know me, you probably know that I can’t stand seeing others in pain, and will go out of my way to help them. You know, I’ll do what I know is right even if all of society is saying Sara, this is impossible and completely absurd. Since I was little I knew I was made for better and greater things than this hum-hoe town in the Metro Area. I knew one day I’d make it in the big time, it wouldn’t be for the fame, or the money or the acceptance, it would be for me, my soul.
     Now, Friday,  Oct., 1st Rachel’s Challenge came to my school. The speaker was incredible, he spoke of love and how we need to be kind to others because you never know when it can start a chain reaction. The girl, Rachel, was the first person killed in the Columbine shooting, 1999. The odd thing is, Rachel and I had alot of things in common. She would go out of her way to be kind to someone, she couldn’t stand watching others in pain, she would ask the kid sitting in the corner to come sit with her at lunch. Most of all she knew that she would one day be the change in the world. After the speaker spoke, I quietly walked myself up to the stage, stood in front of him, said “My name is Sara….” and just lost it. I was blubbering like a baby. I know that my school needs a change and I am so determined to be part of that.
I want to be known for bigger and better things, I will one day be written in the history books. I can’t tell you exactly what that is but I will one day do it. Here is my question to you… are you ready to be that change? Do you have the determination, blood, sweat, and tears, to go out of your way and make a difference? If you do I want you to follow me in my quest for a change, for a revolution. Our generation is always kicked on the ground saying we are worthless, spoiled brats. But those who say that are the ones who raised us. So let us come out on top and in 5, 10, 15 years prove to those who doubted, that we made a monumental change, and our generation is now written in the history books and the one who stood up for what they believed in. So let us honor Rachel’s Challenge… let us start a chain reaction.
For more information on Rachel’s Challenge go to

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