Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Do the impossible... Do it, I dare you.

     What do you do when you are approx 22 hours straight driving, and 1,335 miles away from someone, when you are their literal life line? You accomplish the hardest thing of your life. On July 8th 2010 I had a conversation with a good friend of mine, Chris, he was on the edge of killing himself. That day he had stood up for a friend and got into a fight with a kid, causing him to be badly hurt. With that, he was upset that he wasn't able to help the friend like he hoped to. I could ramble on and on about this young man and the situation he was in but I will put it into short form.

     July 9th 2010 he called me and said "Sara...." in a very eerie tone and hung up. Instantaneously I knew something was really wrong, he told me earlier he wasn't home which made it worse. Immediately I got onto Skype to see if I could talk to his brother because they shared an account. He was on, I messaged him telling him, "I know you don't know me, but you need to find your brother, something is seriously wrong" Obviously, he was very confused, a random girl from Michigan he's never met before is telling him his brother is in danger. Mike called Chris, like I expected, no answer. I told him that he wanted to commit suicide. He told me Chris went out with friends earlier that day and he would find him. The situation was critical at this point. Twenty minutes later, I receive a message at 12:58 A.M, "We found him, he is unconscience in his car, but ok, he put his car in his friends garage and tried to suffocate himself,  he had written a suicide note, you were mentioned...He wanted to thank you for trying to be so supportive and friendly and there for him" At that point I knew I did the impossible...... If I blew off the feeling of knowing somethings wrong and not telling Mike, Chris wouldn't be alive to this day. Chris now happily lives with his family in Canada, every once and a while we will talk about what happened that night. He is by far the coolest Malaysian/Holland/UK/Houston/Canadian kid ever, I am blessed to have him as a friend.
     From me to you... do the impossible, dare to dream. Although, always have the support you can, Ben Mackowski, he was the one who really helped me all through that night, as I was crying my eyes out hour after hour. The moral of the story is to live without regrets, live life to the fullest, because with those regrets, they'll hold you back from who you really are.

"My philosophy in life is, don't regret anything you do, because in the end it makes you who you are"
-Quote from Thirty Seconds to Mars --Closer to the Edge.

Thank you to Chris who let me share his story and his triumph. Lots of love to you dude :) xxx 


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