Thursday, November 18, 2010

Reluctant or Ready here it comes. Reality.

I don't know about you but there are only a good few things that really terrify me...Spiders, pigs, and College. For the past good 6 months since about when the seniors left, all I have been flooded with "What am I going to do when I grow up?" When you're little it's simple; A princess, a mommy, a firefighter, or a policeman. Now it's more like criminal psychologist, child psychologist, social worker, or something in the medical field.

Just recently I got accepted to Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU). At first I was thrilled, thinking, "OK, I somewhat have an idea of where I want to go now, I'm set." Then it hit me... you are officially going to be thrown into the real world in a mere 203 days whether you are reluctant or ready.Being a senior everything is put into reality mode, you literally are basically making hard core life choices at 17 and 18. When you click Submit for that college that you have wanted to go to since you were a freshman, it's a weird gut feeling of relief, excitement and the unknown.

As a Freshman I remember walking into the doors of Troy High School with my sister thinking, "OK, 4 years from now, I will be walking out these same doors that I came into today a completely different person." I watched my sister go through the whole application process and scholarship thing when she was a Junior and I was a Freshman. I was naive and had no idea of what high school had in front of me. Freshman year was def my growing year.As a Sophomore I met friends that would be my best friends and then be my worst enemies at one point. Although they were the people that made me stronger and have now helped me in the situation of college now. I remember sitting in the audience watching my sister walk across the stage and receiving her diploma, as that age I still had no care in the world thinking its to far away to care about. Junior year, it hits you. Hello to 3 days of pure testing and anguishing pressure for your life ahead of you. You have to start thinking about college and where you want to go. It is the critical year they tell you. One memory I have of Junior year is sitting in my third hour when the Seniors of '10 were let out of their classes for the Senior Picnic. I heard the slamming of doors opening and closing, a stampede of feet towards the door exiting for the last time, their screams echoing through the halls sounding of pure joy. I texted all my friends "It's here, Senior year, we are the ones who rule the school, one year left, Seniors '11"

Now, here we are today November 18th 2010, I am a Senior and have finally made it. All those thoughts of thinking how simple this year would be have gone out the window. Although, in my hardest year I have the best grades I ever have. Now I just have to make it these 203 days. The day of graduation I am going to be that girl crying her eyes out. If you have ever thought about it you spend more time with the kids that you go to school with than most of your family. I put it into the explanation to my mom as "These kids are like your family, you fight and bicker with them, but then there are times when you are united and the best of friends."Now think about that, more than likely, unless you are going to MSU or CMU or a common college for us THS kids, we wont see each other again. Maybe at the reunions but who actually goes to those? So what I am saying is I think it's time to live with out regrets, enjoy every moment we have with each other. These are some of the last, and best memories we want to have of highschool although we have half a year left :)

So I think in a since I will be reluctant to be leaving all who've been when since I was a toddler. But I am ready to leave this hum-hoe town and make a name of myself.

Much love,
Sara B.

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