Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Into the darkness you shine.

What do you do when all else fails for you and you are torn to pieces?

I believe at one point in everyone of our lives we come to a fork  in the road facing a monumental choice. Well maybe its not a choice, maybe it's a regret that haunts you, maybe it is a sickness that ails you. I know for me every one of those things has happened to me at least once. My biggest disturbance of anything is watching people in pain or suffering.
I have a baby cousin (Nicky Shust), he is 2 years old and has a disease that is killing him. Literally. Mind you the kids two, he has a 104.5 temp currently, and pnemonia. The disease he has makes him have a feeding tube up his nose and a tube to his tummy that helps him breathe without aspirating. I can't tell you exactly what he has, cause honestly I don't know. His father is Aaron Shust, if you know who he is, he is a Christian musician. Probably the most determined, Godly, faithful, and loving man I have ever met. This is deff Satan trying to get his way into their lives but God testing the faith of the Shust family and the friends and family around them.
There is an up to being a christian musician and your son being ill. You get extreme amounts of prayer. But this is what I ask of whomever is reading this, you  may not believe in God, or anything of that sort. I am asking you personally, this is a childs life on the line, keep him in your prayers, thoughts or anything. He needs healing and pray for his family for peace, imagine the anxiety they are going through.

This is deff one of my shorter blogs but for some reason its been haunting me all day to post something about him. You can follow/read what is going on in his twitter or his blog at...


Once again please read and pray for him.

Much love,
Sara c. Barry